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< (for digraphs) 4.1
= (for digraphs) 4.1
AdjacencyMatrix 5.2-1
AdjacencyMatrixMutableCopy 5.2-1
AdjacencyMatrixUpperTriangleLineDecoder 9.2-10
AndrasfaiGraph 3.5-1
ArticulationPoints 5.4-14
AsBinaryRelation 3.2-1
AsDigraph, for a binary relation 3.2-2
AsGraph 3.2-4
AsMonoid 5.6-1
AsSemigroup, for a filter and a digraph 5.6-1
    for a filter, semilattice digraph, and two lists 5.6-2
AsTransformation 3.2-5
AutomorphismGroup, for a digraph 7.2-2
    for a digraph and a homogeneous list 7.2-5
    for a digraph, homogeneous list, and list 7.2-6
BananaTree 3.5-2
BinaryTree 3.5-3
BinomialTreeGraph 3.5-4
BipartiteDoubleDigraph 3.3-44
BishopGraph 3.5-5
BishopsGraph 3.5-5
BlissAutomorphismGroup, for a digraph 7.2-3
    for a digraph and homogeneous list 7.2-3
    for a digraph, homogeneous list, and list 7.2-3
BlissCanonicalDigraph 7.2-9
BlissCanonicalLabelling, for a digraph 7.2-7
    for a digraph and a list 7.2-8
BondyGraph 3.5-6
BookGraph 3.5-7
BooleanAdjacencyMatrix 5.2-3
BooleanAdjacencyMatrixMutableCopy 5.2-3
Bridges 5.4-15
CayleyDigraph 3.1-12
ChainDigraph 3.5-9
CharacteristicPolynomial 5.2-2
ChromaticNumber 7.3-18
CirculantGraph 3.5-10
CliqueNumber 8.1-5
CliquesFinder 8.1-2
CompleteBipartiteDigraph 3.5-12
CompleteDigraph 3.5-11
CompleteMultipartiteDigraph 3.5-13
ConormalProduct 3.3-34
CycleDigraph 3.5-14
CycleGraph 3.5-15
DegreeMatrix 5.2-15
Digraph 3.1-7
    for a group, list, function, and function 3.1-7
    for a list and function 3.1-7
Digraph6String 9.2-3
DigraphAbsorptionExpectedSteps 5.4-26
DigraphAbsorptionProbabilities 5.4-25
DigraphAddAllLoops 3.3-45
DigraphAddAllLoopsAttr 3.3-45
DigraphAddEdge, for a digraph and an edge 3.3-17
    for a digraph, source, and range 3.3-17
DigraphAddEdgeOrbit 3.3-18
DigraphAddEdges 3.3-19
DigraphAddVertex 3.3-15
DigraphAddVertices, for a digraph and a list of labels 3.3-16
    for a digraph and an integer 3.3-16
DigraphAdjacencyFunction 5.2-4
DigraphAllChordlessCycles 5.4-33
DigraphAllSimpleCircuits 5.4-30
DigraphAllUndirectedSimpleCircuits 5.4-32
DigraphBicomponents 5.4-13
DigraphByAdjacencyMatrix 3.1-8
DigraphByEdges 3.1-9
DigraphByInNeighbors 3.1-11
DigraphByInNeighbours 3.1-11
DigraphByOutNeighboursType 3.1-6
DigraphCartesianProduct, for a list of digraphs 3.3-32
    for a positive number of digraphs 3.3-32
DigraphCartesianProductProjections 3.3-39
DigraphClique 8.1-3
DigraphCliques 8.1-4
DigraphCliquesReps 8.1-4
DigraphClosure 3.3-47
DigraphColouring, for a digraph and a number of colours 7.3-15
DigraphConnectedComponent 5.4-10
DigraphConnectedComponents 5.4-9
DigraphContractEdge, for a digraph and a list of positive integers 3.3-27
    for a digraph and two positive integers 3.3-27
DigraphCopy 3.3-1
DigraphCopySameMutability 3.3-1
DigraphCore 7.3-19
DigraphCycle 3.5-14
DigraphCycleBasis 5.4-40
DigraphDegeneracy 5.4-35
DigraphDegeneracyOrdering 5.4-36
DigraphDiameter 5.4-1
DigraphDijkstra, for a source 5.4-39
    for a source and target 5.4-39
DigraphDirectProduct, for a list of digraphs 3.3-33
    for a positive number of digraphs 3.3-33
DigraphDirectProductProjections 3.3-40
DigraphDisjointUnion, for a list of digraphs 3.3-29
    for an arbitrary number of digraphs 3.3-29
DigraphDistanceSet, for a digraph, a pos int, and a list 5.4-5
    for a digraph, a pos int, and an int 5.4-5
DigraphDual 3.3-11
DigraphDualAttr 3.3-11
DigraphEdgeLabel 5.1-13
DigraphEdgeLabels 5.1-14
DigraphEdges 5.1-3
DigraphEdgeUnion, for a list of digraphs 3.3-30
    for a positive number of digraphs 3.3-30
DigraphEmbedding 7.3-8
DigraphEpimorphism 7.3-6
DigraphFamily 3.1-6
DigraphFile 9.2-4
DigraphFloydWarshall 5.4-18
DigraphFromDigraph6String 9.2-2
DigraphFromDiSparse6String 9.2-2
DigraphFromGraph6String 9.2-2
DigraphFromPlainTextString 9.2-12
DigraphFromSparse6String 9.2-2
DigraphGirth 5.4-6
DigraphGreedyColouring, for a digraph 7.3-16
    for a digraph and vertex order 7.3-16
    for a digraph and vertex order function 7.3-16
DigraphGroup 7.2-10
DigraphHasAVertex 6.1-1
DigraphHash 5.8-1
DigraphHasLoops 6.2-1
DigraphHasNoVertices 6.1-2
DigraphHomomorphism 7.3-2
DigraphImmutableCopy 3.3-1
DigraphImmutableCopyIfImmutable 3.3-2
DigraphImmutableCopyIfMutable 3.3-2
DigraphIndependentSet 8.2-2
DigraphIndependentSets 8.2-3
DigraphIndependentSetsReps 8.2-3
DigraphInEdges 5.1-15
DigraphJoin, for a list of digraphs 3.3-31
    for a positive number of digraphs 3.3-31
DigraphJoinTable 6.4-4
DigraphLayers 5.4-34
DigraphLongestDistanceFromVertex 5.4-4
DigraphLongestSimpleCircuit 5.4-31
DigraphLoops 5.2-14
DigraphMaximalClique 8.1-3
DigraphMaximalCliques 8.1-4
DigraphMaximalCliquesAttr 8.1-4
DigraphMaximalCliquesReps 8.1-4
DigraphMaximalCliquesRepsAttr 8.1-4
DigraphMaximalIndependentSet 8.2-2
DigraphMaximalIndependentSets 8.2-3
DigraphMaximalIndependentSetsAttr 8.2-3
DigraphMaximalIndependentSetsReps 8.2-3
DigraphMaximalIndependentSetsRepsAttr 8.2-3
DigraphMaximalMatching 5.1-19
DigraphMaximumMatching 5.1-20
DigraphMeetTable 6.4-4
DigraphMonomorphism 7.3-4
DigraphMutableCopy 3.3-1
DigraphMutableCopyIfImmutable 3.3-2
DigraphMutableCopyIfMutable 3.3-2
DigraphMycielskian 3.3-48
DigraphMycielskianAttr 3.3-48
DigraphNrAdjacencies 5.1-5
DigraphNrAdjacenciesWithoutLoops 5.1-6
DigraphNrConnectedComponents 5.4-9
DigraphNrEdges 5.1-4
DigraphNrLoops 5.1-7
DigraphNrStronglyConnectedComponents 5.4-11
DigraphNrVertices 5.1-2
DigraphOddGirth 5.4-7
DigraphOrbitReps 7.2-12
DigraphOrbits 7.2-11
DigraphOutEdges 5.1-16
DigraphPath 5.4-22
DigraphPeriod 5.4-17
DigraphPlainTextLineDecoder 9.2-8
DigraphPlainTextLineEncoder 9.2-8
DigraphRandomWalk 5.4-24
DigraphRange 5.2-5
DigraphReflexiveTransitiveClosure 3.3-13
DigraphReflexiveTransitiveClosureAttr 3.3-13
DigraphReflexiveTransitiveReduction 3.3-14
DigraphReflexiveTransitiveReductionAttr 3.3-14
DigraphRemoveAllMultipleEdges 3.3-26
DigraphRemoveAllMultipleEdgesAttr 3.3-26
DigraphRemoveEdge, for a digraph and an edge 3.3-22
    for a digraph, source, and range 3.3-22
DigraphRemoveEdgeOrbit 3.3-23
DigraphRemoveEdges 3.3-24
DigraphRemoveLoops 3.3-25
DigraphRemoveLoopsAttr 3.3-25
DigraphRemoveVertex 3.3-20
DigraphRemoveVertices 3.3-21
DigraphReverse 3.3-10
DigraphReverseAttr 3.3-10
DigraphReverseEdge, for a digraph and an edge 3.3-28
    for a digraph, source, and range 3.3-28
DigraphReverseEdges, for a digraph and a list of edges 3.3-28
Digraphs package overview 1.
DigraphSchreierVector 7.2-13
DigraphShortestDistance, for a digraph and a list 5.4-2
    for a digraph and two vertices 5.4-2
    for a digraph, a list, and a list 5.4-2
DigraphShortestDistances 5.4-3
DigraphShortestPath 5.4-23
DigraphShortestPathSpanningTree 3.3-8
DigraphSinks 5.1-8
DigraphsMakeDoc 2.4-1
DigraphSource 5.2-5
DigraphSources 5.1-9
DigraphsRespectsColouring 7.3-13
DigraphStabilizer 7.2-14
DigraphsTestExtreme 2.5-3
DigraphsTestInstall 2.5-1
DigraphsTestStandard 2.5-2
DigraphStronglyConnectedComponent 5.4-12
DigraphStronglyConnectedComponents 5.4-11
DigraphsUseBliss 7.2-1
DigraphsUseNauty 7.2-1
DigraphSymmetricClosure 3.3-12
DigraphSymmetricClosureAttr 3.3-12
DigraphTopologicalSort 5.1-10
DigraphTransitiveClosure 3.3-13
DigraphTransitiveClosureAttr 3.3-13
DigraphTransitiveReduction 3.3-14
DigraphTransitiveReductionAttr 3.3-14
DigraphUndirectedGirth 5.4-8
DigraphVertexLabel 5.1-11
DigraphVertexLabels 5.1-12
DigraphVertices 5.1-1
DigraphWelshPowellOrder 7.3-17
DiSparse6String 9.2-3
DistanceDigraph, for digraph and int 3.3-46
    for digraph and list 3.3-46
Dominators 5.4-27
DominatorTree 5.4-28
DotColoredDigraph 9.1-2
DotDigraph 9.1-2
DotEdgeColoredDigraph 9.1-2
DotHighlightedDigraph 9.1-6
DotPartialOrderDigraph 9.1-4
DotPreorderDigraph 9.1-5
DotQuasiorderDigraph 9.1-5
DotSymmetricColoredDigraph 9.1-3
DotSymmetricDigraph 9.1-3
DotSymmetricEdgeColoredDigraph 9.1-3
DotSymmetricVertexColoredDigraph 9.1-3
DotVertexColoredDigraph 9.1-2
DotVertexLabelledDigraph 9.1-2
DoubleDigraph 3.3-43
EdgeDigraph 3.3-41
EdgeOrbitsDigraph 3.1-10
EdgeUndirectedDigraph 3.3-42
EdgeWeightedDigraph 6.3-2
EdgeWeightedDigraphMinimumSpanningTree 6.3-4
EdgeWeightedDigraphTotalWeight 6.3-3
EdgeWeights 6.3-1
EdgeWeightsMutableCopy 6.3-1
EmbeddingsDigraphs 7.3-9
EmbeddingsDigraphsRepresentatives 7.3-9
EmptyDigraph 3.5-16
EpimorphismsDigraphs 7.3-7
EpimorphismsDigraphsRepresentatives 7.3-7
GearGraph 3.5-17
GeneralisedPetersenGraph 3.5-36
GeneratorsOfCayleyDigraph 5.5-2
GeneratorsOfEndomorphismMonoid 7.3-14
GeneratorsOfEndomorphismMonoidAttr 7.3-14
Graph 3.2-3
Graph6String 9.2-3
GridGraph 3.5-41
GroupOfCayleyDigraph 5.5-1
HaarGraph 3.5-18
HalvedCubeGraph 3.5-19
HamiltonianPath 5.4-37
HanoiGraph 3.5-20
HelmGraph 3.5-21
HomomorphicProduct 3.3-35
HomomorphismDigraphsFinder 7.3-1
HomomorphismsDigraphs 7.3-3
HomomorphismsDigraphsRepresentatives 7.3-3
HypercubeGraph 3.5-22
InDegreeOfVertex 5.2-12
InDegrees 5.2-9
InDegreeSequence 5.2-9
InDegreeSet 5.2-9
InducedSubdigraph 3.3-3
InNeighbors 5.2-7
InNeighborsMutableCopy 5.2-7
InNeighborsOfVertex 5.2-13
InNeighbours 5.2-7
InNeighboursMutableCopy 5.2-7
InNeighboursOfVertex 5.2-13
IsAcyclicDigraph 6.6-1
IsAntisymmetricDigraph 6.2-2
IsAntiSymmetricDigraph 6.2-2
IsAperiodicDigraph 6.6-7
IsBiconnectedDigraph 6.6-4
IsBipartiteDigraph 6.2-3
IsBridgelessDigraph 6.6-5
IsCayleyDigraph 3.1-4
IsChainDigraph 6.6-2
IsClique 8.1-1
IsCompleteBipartiteDigraph 6.2-4
IsCompleteDigraph 6.2-5
IsCompleteMultipartiteDigraph 6.2-6
IsConnectedDigraph 6.6-3
IsCycleDigraph 6.6-12
IsDigraph 3.1-1
IsDigraphAutomorphism 7.2-20
    for a digraph and a transformation or permutation 7.2-20
IsDigraphColouring 7.2-21
    for a transformation 7.2-21
IsDigraphCore 6.8-1
IsDigraphEdge, for digraph and list 5.1-17
    for digraph and two pos ints 5.1-17
IsDigraphEmbedding 7.3-11
    for digraphs and a permutation or transformation 7.3-11
IsDigraphEndomorphism 7.3-10
    for digraphs and a permutation or transformation 7.3-10
IsDigraphEpimorphism 7.3-10
    for digraphs and a permutation or transformation 7.3-10
IsDigraphHomomorphism 7.3-10
    for digraphs and a permutation or transformation 7.3-10
IsDigraphIsomorphism 7.2-20
    for digraphs and transformation or permutation 7.2-20
IsDigraphMonomorphism 7.3-10
    for digraphs and a permutation or transformation 7.3-10
IsDigraphPath 5.4-20
    for a digraph and list 5.4-20
IsDigraphWithAdjacencyFunction 3.1-5
IsDirectedTree 6.6-8
IsDistanceRegularDigraph 6.5-4
IsDistributiveLatticeDigraph 6.4-6
IsEdgeTransitive 6.8-2
IsEmptyDigraph 6.2-7
IsEquivalenceDigraph 6.2-8
IsEulerianDigraph 6.6-10
IsFunctionalDigraph 6.2-9
IsHamiltonianDigraph 6.6-11
IsImmutableDigraph 3.1-3
IsIndependentSet 8.2-1
IsInRegularDigraph 6.5-1
IsIsomorphicDigraph, for digraphs 7.2-15
    for digraphs and homogeneous lists 7.2-16
IsJoinSemilatticeDigraph 6.4-3
IsLatticeDigraph 6.4-3
IsLatticeEmbedding, for digraphs and a permutation or transformation 7.3-21
IsLatticeEndomorphism, for digraphs and a permutation or transformation 7.3-21
IsLatticeEpimorphism, for digraphs and a permutation or transformation 7.3-21
IsLatticeHomomorphism, for digraphs and a permutation or transformation 7.3-21
IsLatticeMonomorphism, for digraphs and a permutation or transformation 7.3-21
IsLowerSemimodularDigraph 6.4-5
IsMatching 5.1-18
IsMaximalClique 8.1-1
IsMaximalIndependentSet 8.2-1
IsMaximalMatching 5.1-18
IsMaximumMatching 5.1-18
IsMeetSemilatticeDigraph 6.4-3
IsModularLatticeDigraph 6.4-7
IsMultiDigraph 6.2-11
IsMutableDigraph 3.1-2
IsNonemptyDigraph 6.2-12
IsNullDigraph 6.2-7
IsomorphismDigraphs, for digraphs 7.2-17
    for digraphs and homogeneous lists 7.2-18
IsOuterPlanarDigraph 6.7-2
IsOutRegularDigraph 6.5-2
IsPartialOrderDigraph 6.4-2
IsPerfectMatching 5.1-18
IsPermutationDigraph 6.2-10
IsPlanarDigraph 6.7-1
IsPreorderDigraph 6.4-1
IsQuasiorderDigraph 6.4-1
IsReachable 5.4-19
IsReflexiveDigraph 6.2-13
IsRegularDigraph 6.5-3
IsStronglyConnectedDigraph 6.6-6
IsSubdigraph 4.1-1
IsSymmetricDigraph 6.2-14
IsTournament 6.2-15
IsTransitiveDigraph 6.2-16
IsUndirectedForest 6.6-9
IsUndirectedSpanningForest 4.1-2
IsUndirectedSpanningTree 4.1-2
IsUndirectedTree 6.6-9
IsUpperSemimodularDigraph 6.4-5
IsVertexTransitive 6.8-3
IteratorFromDigraphFile 9.2-7
IteratorOfPaths 5.4-29
JohnsonDigraph 3.5-23
KellerGraph 3.5-24
KingsGraph 3.5-25
KneserGraph 3.5-26
KnightsGraph 3.5-27
KuratowskiOuterPlanarSubdigraph 5.7-2
KuratowskiPlanarSubdigraph 5.7-1
LaplacianMatrix 5.2-16
LatticeDigraphEmbedding 7.3-20
LexicographicProduct 3.3-36
LindgrenSousselierGraph 3.5-28
LineDigraph 3.3-41
LineUndirectedDigraph 3.3-42
ListNamedDigraphs 3.1-13
LollipopGraph 3.5-29
MaximalAntiSymmetricSubdigraph 3.3-6
MaximalAntiSymmetricSubdigraphAttr 3.3-6
MaximalCommonSubdigraph 7.2-22
MaximalSymmetricSubdigraph 3.3-5
MaximalSymmetricSubdigraphAttr 3.3-5
MaximalSymmetricSubdigraphWithoutLoops 3.3-5
MaximalSymmetricSubdigraphWithoutLoopsAttr 3.3-5
MinimalCommonSuperdigraph 7.2-23
MobiusLadderGraph 3.5-30
ModularProduct 3.3-37
MonomorphismsDigraphs 7.3-5
MonomorphismsDigraphsRepresentatives 7.3-5
MycielskiGraph 3.5-31
NautyAutomorphismGroup 7.2-4
NautyCanonicalDigraph 7.2-9
NautyCanonicalLabelling, for a digraph 7.2-7
    for a digraph and a list 7.2-8
NonLowerSemimodularPair 5.3-2
NonUpperSemimodularPair 5.3-2
NrSpanningTrees 5.4-38
NullDigraph 3.5-16
OddGraph 3.5-32
OnDigraphs, for a digraph and a perm 7.1-1
    for a digraph and a transformation 7.1-1
OnMultiDigraphs 7.1-2
    for a digraph, perm, and perm 7.1-2
OnSetsDigraphs, for a set of digraphs and a perm 7.1-3
OnTuplesDigraphs, for a list of digraphs and a perm 7.1-3
OutDegreeOfVertex 5.2-10
OutDegrees 5.2-8
OutDegreeSequence 5.2-8
OutDegreeSet 5.2-8
OuterPlanarEmbedding 5.7-4
OutNeighbors 5.2-6
OutNeighborsMutableCopy 5.2-6
OutNeighborsOfVertex 5.2-11
OutNeighbours 5.2-6
OutNeighboursMutableCopy 5.2-6
OutNeighboursOfVertex 5.2-11
PartialOrderDigraphJoinOfVertices 5.3-1
PartialOrderDigraphMeetOfVertices 5.3-1
PathGraph 3.5-33
PermutationStarGraph 3.5-34
PetersenGraph 3.5-35
PlainTextString 9.2-12
PlanarEmbedding 5.7-3
PrintString 9.2-1
PrismGraph 3.5-37
QueenGraph 3.5-39
QueensGraph 3.5-39
QuotientDigraph 3.3-9
RandomDigraph 3.4-1
RandomLattice 3.4-4
RandomMultiDigraph 3.4-2
RandomTournament 3.4-3
ReadDigraphs 9.2-5
ReadDIMACSDigraph 9.2-14
ReadPlainTextDigraph 9.2-13
ReducedDigraph 3.3-4
ReducedDigraphAttr 3.3-4
RepresentativeOutNeighbours 7.2-19
RookGraph 3.5-40
RooksGraph 3.5-40
SemigroupOfCayleyDigraph 5.5-1
SetDigraphEdgeLabel 5.1-13
SetDigraphEdgeLabels, for a digraph and a function 5.1-14
    for a digraph and a list of lists 5.1-14
SetDigraphVertexLabel 5.1-11
SetDigraphVertexLabels 5.1-12
Sparse6String 9.2-3
Splash 9.1-1
SquareGridGraph 3.5-41
StackedBookGraph 3.5-8
StackedPrismGraph 3.5-38
StarGraph 3.5-43
String 9.2-1
StrongOrientation 5.4-16
StrongOrientationAttr 5.4-16
StrongProduct 3.3-38
SubdigraphHomeomorphicToK23 5.7-5
SubdigraphHomeomorphicToK33 5.7-5
SubdigraphHomeomorphicToK4 5.7-5
SubdigraphsMonomorphisms 7.3-12
SubdigraphsMonomorphismsRepresentatives 7.3-12
TadpoleGraph 3.5-44
TCodeDecoder 9.2-11
TournamentLineDecoder 9.2-9
TriangularGridGraph 3.5-42
UndirectedSpanningForest 3.3-7
UndirectedSpanningForestAttr 3.3-7
UndirectedSpanningTree 3.3-7
UndirectedSpanningTreeAttr 3.3-7
VerticesReachableFrom, for a digraph and a list of vertices 5.4-21
    for a digraph and vertex 5.4-21
WalshHadamardGraph 3.5-45
WebGraph 3.5-46
WheelGraph 3.5-47
WindmillGraph 3.5-48
WriteDigraphs 9.2-6
WriteDIMACSDigraph 9.2-14
WritePlainTextDigraph 9.2-13

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